Posts by

Beau Albrecht
Today’s Youth Are Being Encouraged To Become Transsexual
Not long ago, I was with a small, private gathering for one of my social circles. It’s a predominantly left-leaning crowd. The conversation turned to some of the new goofy… read more
Has Higher Education Become A Scam?
In the beginning, college was intended for the best and the brightest of students. Back in the 1940s, a guy could get a well-paid unionized factory job without even a… read more
How Leftist Ideology Might Have Destroyed The Neanderthals
Much about the Neanderthals is shrouded in the mists of time, but archaeology provides some clues. Their disappearance is one of the mysteries of early mankind. Several theories have been proposed…. read more
Does The Future Belong To The Left?
Likely you’ve heard leftists describing themselves as being the ideological torchbearers of the future. By extension, anyone resisting them (or even skeptical) is portrayed as being out of touch with the times, trying… read more
How Saul Alinksy Has Revealed The Flaws Of The Left
Most of us here wouldn’t care too much for Saul Alinsky’s politics, though he’s not really much worse than many other leftists. He wasn’t a Communist Party member, though he… read more
Why Is Modern Art So Uninspiring?
As Andy Warhol said, “Art is anything you can get away with.” It’s proverbial that a picture speaks a thousand words. Yet some pictures chatter on without really saying anything…. read more
An Alternative (Right?) Perspective On Objectivism
Ayn Rand, the founder of Objectivism, was born in 1905 in Saint Petersburg. She witnessed the disastrous rise of Communism during her youth, before moving to the USA. In addition… read more
An Open Letter To Women Who Still Believe In Feminism
First of all, you might wonder, how dare anyone criticize feminism? You’ve been told that it’s a noble quest for equality. What possibly could be wrong with that? The truth… read more
The Ugly Truth Of Six More Leftist “Heroes”
Earlier I skewered nine dictators, thugs, demagogues, and politicians adored by leftists despite considerable failings in policy, ethics, and hygiene. Here are six more over-hyped figures revered by leftists who always get everything… read more
The Sad Saga Of John Walker Lindh, Rebel Without A Clue
John Walker Lindh grew up in the Washington, D.C. area. His family brought him to California when he was ten. In another ten years, he would become known as the… read more
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