Posts by

Beau Albrecht
Is Western Civilization Worth Saving?
By 2050, it’s predicted the USA will no longer have a white majority, which in 1960 was 90%. For this, we can thank Ted Kennedy’s Immigration and Nationality Act of… read more
Friendly Guide To ROK’s World View For Recovering Liberals
Return of Kings has a great variety of information about many subjects: improving your social life, health and fitness, tourism, among several others. Still, our political perspectives might be off-putting… read more
How A Communist Brainwashing Method Was Exported To The United States
During the height of the Cold War, the CIA attempted to develop mind control techniques with the MKULTRA program. As it happens, the Communists already had a leg up on them…. read more
Today’s Mainstream Conservatives Only Serve The Globalist Establishment
Earlier I had some pretty harsh words about the liberal establishment. This concerned both the big shots and all the toadies helping them run the show. (Indeed, it’s quite a… read more
How To Wage Economic Warfare
Here’s how we as individuals can stick it to the globalist elites who are hell-bent on wrecking our civilization, after they’ve combined the excesses of plutocracy with cultural Marxism, a crappy… read more
How Our Government Is Sanctioning A New Kind Of Tyranny
My first knowledge of anarcho-tyranny was when my grandfather got busted in a sting. His “crime” was cutting hair without a license, which got him a fine. I should mention… read more
The Modern Dangers Of Excess
Aristotle famously observed that virtue is the middle course between excess and deficiency. Plato touched on that earlier in The Republic; those with moderate lives are happier on the whole… read more
What’s Worse: Cultural Marxism Or Real Communism?
If you’ve ever wondered why the policy positions and tactics of liberalism seem like watered-down Communism, it’s no coincidence. There’s been considerable influence, some from traditional Communism (Marxism-Leninism), but mostly from… read more
The Delusional Reality Of Social Justice Warriors Is A Form Of Mental Illness
Until quite recently, I thought social justice warriors were basically the online version of the campus radicals that I knew from my college days. I figured maybe the SJWs are… read more
The Fantastical Myth Of Gender And Race Being “Social Constructs”
When politically correct leftists, well-versed in cultural Marxist argumentation tactics, want to discredit a certain concept, they might say it’s “only a social construct”. The argument follows that it doesn’t… read more
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