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Beau Albrecht
How To Fight Politically Correct Language
As a fan of the English language—even with its quirks and inconsistencies—I really hate seeing it butchered. Political correctness has been doing quite a bit of butchering over the years. Their… read more
The Ugly Truth Of Leftist “Heroes”
Leftist politics is basically a religion these days, including a litany of saints. Many had cults of personality, some ongoing. Criticizing them gets the same reaction as telling a fundamentalist… read more
7 Reasons Why 1969 Was An Awesome Year For America
We often think of the late 1960s as a time of turmoil and strife. In many ways it was. The Cold War was still going on. There were race riots… read more
How The Cultural Marxists Of The Frankfurt School Subverted American Education
Perhaps you’ve wondered why so many college professors are so left-wing. In your freshman year, you might have noted with dread—as I did—some of your fellow students “going with the… read more
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