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Beau Albrecht
4 Unusual Punishments That May Be Better Alternatives To Expensive Prisons
The deterrence theory of criminal law is about making an example of wrongdoers. As one British statesman put it: Men are not hanged for stealing horses, but that horses may… read more
25 Special Privileges Women Have Over Men—And Yet They Still Complain Like Spoiled Children
Feminists claim they want equality. However, their true focus is maximizing their “empowerment” while constraining men as much as possible. They complain endlessly about The Patriarchy to push their agenda… read more
Chad Actor Announces He’s Scared To Hit On Girls Because Of #MeToo, Gets Immediately Attacked
Henry Cavill, an up-and-coming actor, was the subject of a long, breezy feature on GQ Australia. Reading between the lines, I gather that attaining stardom had its ups and downs… read more
PUA Author Neil Strauss Attempts Polyamory And Fails
After his misadventures in sex rehab, Neil Strauss’ The Truth seems like a twisted version of Saint Augustine’s Confessions. After much hand-wringing, personal introspection, and researching relationships, he concluded that monogamy opposes… read more
How Consumerism Transformed Society And Became The Only Purpose Of Human Existence
In times long past, most people lived in small farming communities. Everyone knew their neighbors, breathed clean air, ate food we’d call organic today (that’s all there was back then),… read more
5 Phases Of Civilizational Decay
How do healthy countries become so pozzed-out that they collapse? This happens one step at a time. The rise of great nations What characterizes countries at peak health? In historical… read more
Why Do Leftists Get So Triggered From Hearing Contradictory Viewpoints?
Why does simply disagreeing with leftists sometimes make them scream like they’re being tortured? First we’ll explore a recent mass “triggering”. Trump Derangement Syndrome Hillary Clinton is uncharismatic, petulant, and… read more
How “Sexual Harassment” Evolved Into A Witch Hunt
Bill Clinton, Ted Kennedy, and Dan Quayle were in a spelling bee, and Quayle won because he knew that “harass” was one word, not two. So that’s an old joke,… read more
Did Roseanne Barr Deserve For Her Career To Be Destroyed For Mocking Obama Adviser Valerie Jarrett?
Comedian Roseanne Barr launched a firestorm with the following tweet about Valerie Jarrett: muslim brotherhood & planet of the apes had a baby=vj In the aftermath, ABC cancelled her show…. read more
Writer Jack London Accurately Predicted The Rise Of China
Napoleon said something like this about China: Here rests a sleeping giant, let it sleep, for when it awakens, it will stun the world. Jack London wrote a short story,… read more
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