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Beau Albrecht
Flipping The Script On Feminist Buzzwords Reveals How Ridiculous They Are
Feminists love using newly-invented buzzwords to push their narratives. Often they grossly exaggerate real problems, or even gripe about nothing. Their absurd framing tactics would be laughable if they weren’t… read more
Do You Believe In A Politically Incorrect “Phobia”?
Adding a “-phobia” suffix to a group’s name creates a new word shielding them from criticism. Those are anti-concepts, empty terminology useful only to delegitimize real concepts. Pointing out a… read more
PUA Author Neil Strauss Finds That Sex Addiction Rehab Doesn’t Work
Neil Strauss is well known as the author of The Game, a book that brought pickup artistry into the public consciousness. It’s a fun read, documenting his rise from AFC… read more
Lynyrd Skynyrd Concert Footage From 1977 Showed That Even California’s Women Were Once Beautiful
Lynyrd Skynyrd gave a concert at Oakland—July 2, 1977—part of their Street Survivors Tour. Three of their songs, including their iconic closing number ‘Free Bird’, are captured on video. They… read more
The Extinction Of White Male Authors
The spark is dying out for literature, once a major facet of culture. Television, movies, and digital distractions compete heavily for the public’s attention. Media monopolization doesn’t help. (How often… read more
4 Dishonest Rhetorical Tricks Liberals Use To Win Debates
Logical fallacies have been documented since the Greeks and the Romans studied rhetoric. Bad reasoning isn’t specific to any one ideology. Still, leftists must use it quite frequently, since they’ve… read more
Did Prince Harry Make The Right Choice By Marrying Meghan Markle?
British royal weddings are deeply imbued with tradition. There are reasons. Choices of spouses have consequences, and the Tudor dynasty was an exemplary case study. But since absolutist monarchy became… read more
Your Emails Are Being Spied On To Identify “Hate Speech” As Defined By The Anti Defamation League
If you have several email accounts, you might suspect a bunch of corporations just sent their legalese munchkins to a writer’s workshop. What’s going on here? Microsoft Microsoft is the… read more
Homosexual “Bugchasers” Actively Seek HIV Infection
Since the 1990s, the mass media and liberal opinion have refused to portray the GLBT community as anything but wonderful. Unfortunately, writing a moral blank check has consequences. Overwrought compassion… read more
Marijuana Makes Men Stupid And Lazy
Legalization of marijuana is a thorny topic. Acceptance has gone further than it did even during the 1970s. Statewide legalization (Colorado and some others) will prove to be interesting experiments…. read more
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