Posts by

Beau Albrecht
How To Identify Flaky People And Block Them From Bringing Drama Into Your Life
Flakiness is becoming a social epidemic. There are still people who are reliable, honest, and industrious, but they’re less common to find than in times past. Protecting oneself from people… read more
5 Reasons Why Generation X Is The Superior Generation
Childhood and young adulthood are allegedly the “best years of one’s life,” but I’m far more successful now. However, the party can’t go on forever. Eventually I’ll no longer be… read more
Bullshit Degrees Are Scamming College Students
College once was an institution for educating society’s best and brightest to their highest potential. Later, a degree came to be seen as a guaranteed ticket to the middle class…. read more
Will Transhumanism Offer Us A Glorious Future?
Transhumanism covers many subjects. Nootropics, also called smart drugs, are the most familiar to the public. However, there are many other newly-emerging technologies on the horizon, and others which might… read more
The Many Ways Pipsqueaks And Crybullies Wield Power And Misuse It
Traditional aggression involves things like someone walking up and offering to rearrange your face. Someone must be physically imposing to do so. However, there are ways wimps can push people… read more
How To Get Over The Girl Who’s Not Right For You, By The World’s First PUA Author
Ovid wrote the first PUA literature, around 3AD. (It was 1970 before the next book appeared, Eric Weber’s How To Pick Up Girls!) About two years later, Ovid wrote Love’s Remedy,… read more
The Masculine Man’s Survival Guide To Banging Slutty Feminists
Obviously, the first consideration is, why date feminists at all? Some guys refuse outright; others can work with it. Really, it’s all about numbers. If you’re on campus (which is… read more
Teenage Girl Gets Scammed By Fake Multimillionaire On “Sugar Dating” Site
Websites for “sugar babies” have become trendy, thanks to modern technology, declining public morals, and an unbalanced sexual marketplace which exacerbates female entitlement complex. It’s a hot new way to… read more
Is Collectivism Always Wrong?
Collectivism has a pretty bad name in certain circles, particularly Libertarians and related currents. Indeed, it’s led to some past excesses, including totalitarianism. Still, it’s really like an implement that can be… read more
Would You Bang A Famous Feminist?
Here we’ll rate the big-name feminists, limited to their most (in)famous activists. Thus, Hillary Clinton (for example) doesn’t count. Cupcake is best known as a political figure: Secretary of State,… read more
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