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Beau Albrecht
10 Warning Signs That Your Girlfriend Has A Personality Disorder
Sometimes neurotic women are idealized—“crazy in the head, crazy in bed” and all that. However, the reality is far less pleasant. One needn’t be very experienced to cross paths with… read more
How Western Women Trick Men Into Fighting Each Other
Imagine yourself talking to some chick at a lively, crowded club. Quite unbeknownst to you, she took something you said the wrong way. Then she says she has to go… read more
4 Lies The Deep State Wants You To Believe
People typically find the premises and practices of religions they don’t believe in to be preposterous. However, their own faith is familiar; they understand the deeper meanings of (or can… read more
Our Degenerate Obsession With Porn Began With The 1972 Film Deep Throat
Deep Throat (1972) was the first “blue movie” to become a major blockbuster. This film—and Supreme Court decisions tinkering with the legal definition of obscenity—became a game changer for the porn… read more
Cracked’s Impotent Attack On The Manosphere Is A Sign Of Their Rapid Decline As A Humor Magazine
What happens when a once-great comedy website preaches a sermon against the Manosphere? It’s a disaster like Mark Hill’s “What We’re All Getting Wrong About Pickup Artists” featured on Cracked in… read more
How To Stay On Track With Your New Year’s Resolutions
The beginning of a new year is a customary time to take a Socratic self-assessment of how your life has been going, and then decide what you want to change…. read more
4 False Rape Accusations That Were Made Up Out Of Thin Air
In a classic “he said / she said” case, who should be believed? Often the absolute truth isn’t discernible to third parties. There should be standards for arriving at the… read more
The Fame, Tragedy, And Strangeness Behind Celebrity Culture
How did celebrities become larger-than-life, nearly deified? They’re famous (obviously), and usually wealthy. Royalty counts, but few ordinary politicians make the cut. Glamour is the defining characteristic, above notability, money,… read more
Popular DNA Company Is Giving White People African Ancestry For Fun
Last Wednesday, Squawker came out with an article concerning the accuracy of DNA testing: In a recent interview with Cracked, one of the major ancestry testing companies, (which specific company… read more
Miracle: Harvey Weinstein Cured Of Sex Addiction After Only One Week In Rehab
The common man’s experience of addiction recovery typically involves a twelve-step group, perhaps in a church basement or part of a forlorn low-rent office building. Strong coffee is ubiquitous, as… read more
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