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Beau Albrecht
Did Former President George H. W. Bush Cop A Feel On C-List Actress Heather Lind?
After seeing a picture of former Presidents gathered to discuss hurricane disaster relief, actress Heather Lind wrote a social media post alleging an untoward encounter by former President George H.W. Bush… read more
Why Won’t Hillary Clinton Go Away?
Hillary Clinton recently interviewed with Britain’s Channel 4, first asked if she still believes that The Donald is “a clear and present danger to the United States, and indeed the… read more
The Homosexual Movement Began As A Communist Bathhouse Front Before Infecting The Entire West
It’s commonly believed that the Stonewall riots started the LGBT movement, sparked by a 1969 police raid on a New York gay bar. Actually, things were in motion long before. In 1950,… read more
4 Insane Feminist Gripes That Have Actually Caught On Among Western Women
After five decades of radical feminist demands and societal concessions, the quest continues for ever tinier things to gripe about. Many of these “microaggressions” hardly even qualify as First World… read more
4 Concepts SJW’s Invented To Shame White People
For decades, leftists made great efforts creating intellectual-sounding rationalizations for cultural Marxist ideology. Lately it’s gone on freakish tangents that not even the Frankfurt School could’ve anticipated. If they’d made… read more
Hollywood Has Always Used The “Casting Couch” To Trade Sex For Fame
Scandals by celebrities always have been a common staple of media attention. Despite their wealth and fame, movie stars are essentially disposable, given the vast number of hopefuls who would sell… read more
Star Trek Discovery Is Social Justice At Warp Speed
After the groundbreaking Star Trek original series (TOS) was cancelled, the franchise went dormant. Afterwards, a film series began in which the even-numbered movies were good. Then it returned to… read more
Body Modifications Are Getting Out Of Control
The human body is a work of art. However, since antiquity people have tampered with it. Sometimes it was for fashion, and sometimes to mark criminals and slaves. Today’s efforts… read more
Media Is Upset That Men Don’t Want To Sleep With Trannies And Other “Nonbinary” Freaks
A few months ago, Vice came out with an article, “Why Can’t My Famous Gender Nonconforming Friends Get Laid?” Like a rubbernecker passing by a gruesome auto accident, I couldn’t… read more
Can You Escape A Broken Society By Becoming A Hermit?
Many citizens feel deep down that something has gone terribly wrong with society, yet they can’t put the pieces together. Some might research this, and begin to explore the depths… read more
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