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Beau Albrecht
How The Concept Of Legitimate Government Has Changed From Antiquity To The Present Day
Governments, be they enlightened or otherwise, generally provide justifications for their rule. Despotic regimes don’t really need rationales beyond “We’re in charge, obey or else“. However, in practice, even tyrants… read more
Tranny Activists And Feminists Are Starting To Attack Each Other
One of many problems leftists have is that they don’t understand basic biology, such as what the word female means. However—to their credit—some radical feminists are more intelligent than that,… read more
How To Free Yourself From Debt
Debt is like junk food—although best avoided, moderate quantities won’t kill you, but too much will creep up on you and make your life suck. It allows us to buy… read more
The Importance Of Having Struggle In Our Daily Lives
One of the precepts of Buddhism is that by its nature, life involves suffering. (Another context of the original terminology means unfulfillment.) There’s something to that, but it only tells… read more
If Leftist Ideology Is Correct, Why Are Liberals Using Dirty And Violent Tactics?
Leftists believe countless silly things: gun control makes everyone safer, Hillary is suitable to be President, men can get pregnant, etc. Postmodernist professors believe objective reality doesn’t exist. Despite that, leftists… read more
What Does Antifa Want?
Recently, “The Antifa Manual” was found at Evergreen College, America’s most pozzed-out campus possibly excepting Columbia and Berkeley. It doesn’t go into urban guerrilla tactics (which would’ve been an informative… read more
If Your Favorite Globalists Were Evil Men From The Book Of Mormon
The Book of Mormon came from Joseph Smith’s translation of the Golden Plates—or his very fertile imagination, take your pick. Some characters resemble today’s globalists, so either history repeats itself or life… read more
3 Dystopian Movies That Have Been Uncannily Accurate About The Future
Portrayals of not-so-wonderful futures are fairly common in cinema, often focusing on major concerns of the times. The first dystopian science fiction movie is Fritz Lang’s 1927 Metropolis. Other than… read more
Patreon Attempts To Deny That Their Banning Policy Is Ideologically Motivated
A video posted on 7/28/2017 provides a long-overdue explanation of Patreon’s banning policies. In the beginning, Jack Conte says: A lot of people are just going to try to find… read more
Israel’s Nuclear Policy Goes Beyond Deterrence And Threatens The Entire World
Some consider nuclear weapons a curse, and I concur. Others say nuclear deterrence has helped keep the peace. Still, there are some obvious problems. At least twice, false positive radar… read more
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