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Beau Albrecht
5 Stages Of Decline After A Society Becomes Infected By Feminism
Individuals within the body politic are what cells are to organisms. Just as people can catch diseases, nations can suffer from ideological maladies. Here’s how the feminism disease progresses. Stage… read more
The Sordid History Of When The Soviets Tried To Breed Apes With Humans
It’s a common catchphrase that “There are no races; there’s only the human race.” To be technical, humanity is a species, but there I go being a spoilsport. Once again… read more
The Transsexual Lobby Now Dictates Terms To The Criminal Justice System
Lately, society increasingly resembles Roman decadence as described in Juvenal’s Satires. The historical parallels are hard to miss. Indeed, Juvenal may be the grandfather of the alt right just as… read more
How To Respond To Threats Of Political Violence
It’s an unfortunate fact that political disagreements can turn to violence. The left has an extensive history of this from guillotines to gulags, with terrorism and urban riots often in… read more
4 Leftist Strategies The Right Should Emulate
Leftist ideology has been bankrupt for quite some time now. Things seriously took a wrong turn with Karl Marx. Even moderate liberalism hasn’t been much to write home about for… read more
The Stupidest Things That Liberals Have Told Me
Liberals have been led astray by an ideology that just doesn’t work, and they haven’t seen through its many flawed premises. For some, enlightenment begins after they gain life experience…. read more
Time Magazine’s Four Most Stupid And Insulting Covers
Saying that the MSM is biased is about like saying that water is wet. Time Magazine is a repeat offender, constantly insulting the public with their propaganda. Meltdown Hillary still… read more
Men Who Love Sex Dolls Are A Grim Sign That Sex Relations Are Beyond Repair
Getting down to business with realistic dolls is pretty weird. However, they do sell, so what’s the deal? Better than nothing? Davecat is living with his wife and their bisexual… read more
6 Tentacles Of The Leftist Power Structure That Control Western Society
The world’s major power blocs represent national interests, religions, and ideologies. They’re like icebergs: partly visible, but mostly beneath the surface. Openness and transparency aren’t exactly core principles! Power bloc… read more
The USA Needs A Trade Policy Benefiting Americans And Not Globalist Billionaires
During the late 19th century, the USA became an industrial powerhouse, its manufacturing capacity becoming among the world’s foremost. During the late 20th century, industry was disappearing at an alarming… read more
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