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Billy Chubbs
J.M. Coetzee: Yet Another Nobel Prize Winning Hypocrite
In 1948, the Boer government of South Africa enacted a policy called Apartheid. The main purpose of this policy was to segregate the population of South Africa along racial lines—keeping… read more
Nobel Peace Prize Recipiant Malala Yousafzai Is A Coward And A Hypocrite
So the increasingly irrelevant Noble Peace Prize was recently given out, and it came as a surprise to no one that the 2014 peace prize was shared by a 17-year-old… read more
A Typical Day In The Patriarchy
Recently, one night I got a hankering for a Jones’s brand cream soda. I put on my pants and got in my truck, driving toward the nearest Shoppers Drug Mart… read more
Feminism Is On The Retreat
I’m going to boldly declare that feminism is finally ebbing away. It’s amazing to see, since realistically many of us didn’t expect to see it receding for at least another… read more
Why Hasn’t Michael Moore Made An Obama Documentary?
I came of age during a time when a massive transition was taking place in how schools were run. I was six years old when the Columbine shooting first rocked… read more
Women Are Allowed To Find Soulmates While Men Must Settle
For the last month or so, I’ve been running a bit of an experiment, with the purpose of putting together an article about the Millennial dating scene. I’m not sure… read more
Jennifer Lawrence Is A Terrible Role Model
Edit: All photos were removed due to DMCA request. Welcome back to another edition of “You Hypocritical Slut!” This week we feature a critically-lauded media darling straight out of Hollywood,… read more
How Zoe Quinn Screwed Her Way Through The Video Game Industry
Before I begin in earnest, I would just like to give a deep, heartfelt thank you to TheInternetAristocrat, whose excellent video about Zoe Quinn is what exposed me to this… read more
#WomenAgainstFeminism Is Typical Female Attention-Whoring
A curious yet inevitable trend has been circulating recently: women speaking out against feminism, centered around the hashtag #womenagainstfeminism. And by speaking out, I mean of course that these women have… read more
My Beta Daydreaming
I’ve been at a low point for the last few months. At the beginning of May I learned that my dad has lung cancer. So far as I know, he… read more
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