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Billy Chubbs
The Apology That Will Never Be Delivered
I’m going to kick a dead horse and pound my chest a bit here. Elliot Rodger. If you’re sick from hearing about that guy I won’t blame you for clicking… read more
Hypocritical Jezebel Feminist Erin Gloria Ryan Thinks Women Are Weak
Erin Gloria Ryan, ‘ferocious’ (lol) feminist writer and middle name flaunting douchette extraordinaire, has released yet another anti-feminism article on Jezebel, that bastion of privileged white women who hate themselves… read more
Men Fought The Nazis, Women Slept With Them
I grew up listening to my family’s tales about their service in World War 2. A grand total of four of my forebears served in the Canadian Army during WW2—one… read more
Strict Gun Control Will Not Stop Spree Killings
This great evil. Where does it come from? How’d it steal into the world? What seed, what root did it grow from? Who’s doin’ this? Who’s killin’ us? Robbing us of… read more
Is Return Of Kings Really The Most Repugnant Website On The Internet?
For those of you who have even a modicum of intelligence, common sense or just plain old perspective, you needn’t read this article. This article is aimed at… nay, dedicated,… read more
Women Are Wimps And That’s Not a Bad Thing
During the last winter, I had to change over to a 24 hour gym for two months because of some rough scheduling at my work. I wound up having to… read more
There Is Little Difference Between Women Throughout History
One of the biggest pieces of narcissism that plague our corner of the web is that we think we are among the first to unravel the true nature of women…. read more
3 Manly Moments From My Life That Are Total Shams
Occasionally, a certain confluence of events will transpire in a man’s life which creates one perfect moment of manliness which forever defines or accentuates his character. If he is truly… read more
What Real Rape Culture Looks Like
Anna recently celebrated her birthday, but her party was a muted affair. Not many people feel like celebrating in times like these. Their country has been at war for six… read more
We’re Surrounded By Smartphone Zombies
I wake up, shower, make myself pretty for the world and go to work. There are a few women working as secretaries for the company. It’s usually only seven in… read more
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