Posts by

Blair Naso
4 More Things That Enable Women To Avoid Taking Responsibility For Their Decisions
Women are designed to suck resources out of men, both materially and immaterially. This is all well and good in a traditionalist nuclear family, but in a feminist-saturated society, women turn… read more
I Attended The 2015 White Nationalist AmRen Conference
I went to the American Renaissance white nationalist conference last weekend. I thought it would be interesting, since I have expressed Southern nationalist sentiments before. Personally I wasn’t particularly inspired at the… read more
Taking Your Kids To Church Will Turn Them Into Degenerates
A phenomenon in Christianity in the last hundred years or so is ecumenism, the belief that Christians should be united despite differences in beliefs. This is especially ubiquitous today and… read more
Rolling Stone Is One Of The Biggest Promoters Of Women As Sex Objects
Rolling Stone has done us the good grace of teaching us how society should view women. Oh, you thought I was referring to their UVA rape hoax decrying men’s entitlement towards… read more
Why Most Women Didn’t Want The Right To Vote
The popular narrative today is that women demanded the right to vote and the menfolk just told them no until they got tired of their whining. After all, why wouldn’t… read more
How UVA President Teresa Sullivan Sold Out The Heritage Of Virginia
UVA president Teresa A. Sullivan has recently said of the Rolling Stone hoax, “Irresponsible journalism unjustly damaged the reputations of many innocent individuals and the University of Virginia.” Her statement is dripping… read more
The Many Ways Education Delays Adulthood
Education keeps people in a constant state of childhood by virtue of its very nature. Just think of your stereotypical frat or sorority, partying and living for the now. Going to classes… read more
Did Ellen Pao File A Baseless Lawsuit To Hide Her Own Poor Job Performance?
Powerful Silicon Valley venture capitalist firm Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers—famous for backing Google and Amazon—won a gender discrimination lawsuit Friday filed against them by former junior partner Ellen Pao,… read more
5 Reasons It’s Better To Be A Divorced Parent, According To Huffington Post
The Huffington Post recently put out an article titled “5 Reasons It’s Better To Be A Single Parent,” although it’s clear that it’s really about being an unwed mother. It’s written… read more
Why “Docility” Is The Best Word To Describe Femininity
We red-pillers all know that androgyny is a vice often confused as a virtue. People from all ideological sects have written at length about what masculinity is, but what is femininity?… read more
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