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Blair Naso
5 Things That Enable Women To Avoid Personal Responsibility In Their Relationships
First time users of the red pill are shocked to learn that feminism has saturated everything. It’s not merely a fringe movement. Feminism is a primary color of 20th century Eurocentric liberalism. Even… read more
Why You Should Be Morally Apathetic In Your Dealings With Women
When I broke up with my college girlfriend back in my Baptist days, she was completely distraught. Let’s call her Petunia. Petunia was wanting to save her first kiss for her… read more
Teenage Girl Encourages Boyfriend To Kill Himself And Then Starts A Suicide Awareness Campaign
Massachusetts high school senior Michelle Carter has raised thousands of dollars for suicide prevention over the internet after her boyfriend Conrad Roy III committed suicide on July 13, 2014 by… read more
The Academy Awards Reminds Me Again Why I Don’t Watch Movies
When was the last time I watched the Oscars? Probably never. I don’t know any of the movies, and the actors’ clothing is uninteresting to me. Do men watch the… read more
Barbie Is The Perfect Role Model For Little Girls
Feminists claim that exaggerated beauty standards are toxic towards women. They point to Barbie as the supreme patriarchal oppression propaganda for little girls, no matter how often Mattel makes empowered versions of her…. read more
Muslim Killer Craig Hicks Followed Far-Left Outlets HuffingtonPost And SPLC
The Southern Poverty Law Center—known for its public slandering of allegedly hateful people—now seems to have a worse stain on its methods than any crazy right wing group. On Wednesday, a militant… read more
Women Want A Fantastical Fairy Tale Ending But Without The Plot
I have always had a certain affinity for folklore. I wrote a paper in college with the thesis that nothing is more true than mythology. Myths and folklore are not made… read more
A Few Subtle Red Pill Moments From An Unlikely Source: The Beach Boys
The Beach Boys are one of those bands that nobody listens to even though they are idolized by every important musician or producer ever. Although they retained their popularity in Europe, Americans remember the band… read more
New Evidence Suggests Mattress Rape Victim Emma Sulkowicz Made It Up
In August 2012, Emma Sulkowicz was allegedly raped by Paul Nungesser, both Columbia University students. Nungesser is a male feminist from Germany. Two other women supposedly had already brought complaints… read more
In Praise Of Alpha Male Bill Clinton
Does this even need an introduction? Bill Clinton is an absolute alpha male. Alpha, alpha, alpha. Gaston-level alpha. Here’s why. Monica That was a woman in love. Monica has accomplished nothing with… read more
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