Posts by

Blair Naso
Is Rosie Batty Using Her Child’s Death For Her Own Fame And Fortune?
Rosie Batty was given the Australian of the Year award yesterday. In February 2014, Rosie Batty’s ex-boyfriend murdered their son at cricket practice and then committed suicide. Batty was left… read more
The Tango Is Sexist, Patriarchal, And A Perfect Complement To Your Game
I was at my tango class one evening, a hobby I’ve recently started. The only other person was a new girl—we’ll call her Therese. Therese claimed that she had recently… read more
4 More Terrible Lessons Taught In Church Today
The image above is from the new about-to-be-rebuilt Greek Orthodox church on Ground Zero in New York. The outside of the building is designed to light up at night. That and the blandness of… read more
All Forms Of Feminism Are Anti-Male
Feminists are scrounging around in desperation, claiming that their ideology has been tainted by a few radicals. One does not even have to mention it to them since they will… read more
Angry Mob Wants Footballer Ched Evans Blacklisted For A Crime He May Not Have Committed
Ched Evans, a Welsh football (soccer) player, was convicted of rape almost two years ago. In reality, it appears to have been drunken consensual sex, but he was convicted and… read more
Reflections On Neo-Confederacy During A Visit To Ole Miss
My great uncle and aunt have a house in Oxford, Mississippi, and this fall they invited me to come for an Ole Miss game, since they were playing my team…. read more
Most Men Do Not Deserve A Marriageable Woman
Merry Christmas. This one’s going to sting. Here in the manosphere, we are often accused of chauvinism, writing as though women ruined society and men are fantastic at everything. People… read more
Why I Dropped Out Of Law School
Like many men in my generation, I have a father who has consistently failed at life. His unsolicited advice is usually worthless dribble aimed at justifying his own terrible choices…. read more
What Is #Metalgate?
Having recently lost their stranglehold in games and their ever-favorite topic of rape, Social Justice Warriors (SJWs) are mounting an attack over another topic: metal music. Yes, really. Because SJWs… read more
Women Should Save Their Virginity For Marriage
In a relationship, men want sex and women want attention. Some men give attention knowing they won’t get much sex, and some women give sex knowing they won’t get the… read more
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