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Bruno Buscaroli
4 Quotes Of Wisdom From Saint Augustine’s Confessions
Born in 354, Saint Augustine of Hippo was a saint of the Catholic Church whose writing influenced much of Western philosophy. His works have been quite controversial even among Christians,… read more
How To Cook Damn Good Rice, Risotto, And Pilaf
Rice has been a vital part of diets throughout the world (particularly in Asia) for thousands of years. Today, it’s the second most grown grain after corn. Considering most corn… read more
How Men Can Live In The Spirit Of “Plus Ultra”
In ancient Greek myth, Hercules was said to have reached what’s now the Strait of Gibraltar, which connects the Mediterranean Sea with the Atlantic Ocean. This was he furthest West… read more
How Immigration Hurts Immigrants
Every year, thousands of people leave their Third World countries in hopes of living in the First World. Some do it illegally, crossing borders without the consent of the nations… read more
Today’s Conservative Has Become Yesterday’s Liberal
With Donald Trump as president of the United States, it would seem as though traditional beliefs are making a comeback in the West. However, one only needs talk to the… read more
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