Posts by

Brutus Centinel
Why YouTube Is Superior To Broadcast Television
Awhile back, I was about to start another mind-numbing video game session when I noticed I could watch YouTube videos on my TV. There’s an app on the Xbox that… read more
How To Reduce Your Risk Of Divorce
The neomasculinity movement is, in many ways, a reaction to the changing incentives for men. Divorce courts began to favor women who abandoned their vows, giving them cash and prizes… read more
How To Use A Revolver For Self-Defense
Until fairly recently, revolvers were generally the preferred self-defense handguns due to their rock-solid reliability. Recent improvements in the reliability of semi-automatics have given them the edge. They generally have… read more
The Importance Of Patriarchal Religion To Marriage And Childrearing
I live in America, and I am happily married, with kids. I do not write this because I am more manly, or intelligent, or successful than you; I am not…. read more
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