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Bryan Paul Rouleau
How History Shows Us The Evil Of Western Masochism
In the wake of the Paris attacks, there is a rather frantic movement afoot in the Western media to whitewash anything about the attacks that might impugn the religion of Islam… read more
One Fantasy Novelist Stands Up To The Fascist Left
Prince of Thorns I read somewhere that The Broken Empire series by Mark Lawrence is better than Game of Thrones. Claims like this should not be thrown around lightly. But after reading… read more
Why Men’s Fiction Is Suffering From A Great Decline
It is estimated that men account for only 20% of the fiction-reading market. In other words, women almost completely dominate the fiction-reading market. They buy and read the most books by a… read more
Why Did A High School Prank Lead To A Young Man’s Suicide?
Hyper-sensitivity and political correctness were once merely annoying. Now they are killing people. And somewhere between being culpable of annoyance and being guilty of homicide, hyper-sensitivity started sapping the strength… read more
The Abolition Of Man
In 1944 C.S. Lewis published The Abolition of Man, a three chapter handbook that uses a horse tranquilizer of logic to paralyze the legs of the enduring progressive quest to pillage… read more
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