Posts by
Charles Wickelus
Are Men To Blame For Women’s Mental Health Issues?
Over at the Guardian, there is a curious article by Laura Bates entitled, “‘There is an urgent need to update adult thinking to catch up with the reality of teenagers’… read more
Never Forget To Thank Your Mentors
If you admire somebody, you should go ‘head and tell ’em People never get the flowers while they can still smell ’em Big Brother, Kanye West It has been… read more
Why Are Men Becoming Less Interested In Marriage?
Back in the early ’60’s, the TV show The Twilight Zone ran an episode entitled, “A Stop At Willoughby.” In the episode, we witness a career-man in distress. Bullied on… read more
On The Disappearance Of Male Initiation Rituals
I’ll shoot it to you straight and look you in the eye. So gimme just a minute and I’ll tell you why: I’m a rough boy. I’m a rough boy…. read more
Four Of The Best Episodes Of “The Office”
The Office was an American TV show that ran from 2005 to 2013. It was a spin-off of a popular British TV show, also called The Office. The show was centered around the… read more
You Are What You Feed Your Soul
A commonly held misconception about alcoholism is that people who are given to drink do so out of depression, anxiety, or general unhappiness. While some people might drink because of… read more
4 Of The Best Episodes Of The X-Files
The X-Files was a highly popular TV show from the 1990’s. The show featured David Duchnovy as the iconic Fox Mulder—an FBI agent whose love of the occult earned him… read more
5 Of The Best Horror Short Stories By Stephen King
Stephen King is one of the greatest writers of his generation—not necessarily because of his scintillating prose, but because of his masterful ability to tell a story. While he is… read more
How Get A Better Night Of Sleep
I used to suffer from long stretches of restless sleep and borderline insomnia. My issues were pretty common: inability to fall and stay asleep, night sweats, a seemingly instinctual worry… read more
How Will Smith’s New Movie “Focus” Falls Flat
The hallmark of a good movie is seamlessly fusing an engaging story with a number of interesting characters, all the while providing the right amount of details and backstory to… read more
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