Posts by

Christian McQueen
How To Control Your Emotions With Women
Let’s keep it real gents, what is the number one way we as men tend to fuck up interactions with women? By not having a handle on our emotions. Whether… read more
The 5 Most Common Text Messages Girls Send (And How To Respond To Them)
As any seasoned player knows, after you date a significant amount of girls, you’ll find that their text messages start to all sound like they’re coming from the same girl…. read more
How To Still Game With Acne
It’s time to bust open the doors on gaming and address the elephant in the room: how does a guy with acne go out and successfully approach girls? Unless you… read more
4 Steps That Help Build Your Confidence
Confidence, whether real or faked, is the core of our Inner Self that alpha men are recognized of having above all else. Ask any woman what trait they notice in a… read more
The McQueen Manifesto
As often happens in life, situations arise and crisis hits without warning, but whether in good times or bad, it is best to have some Life ‘Rules’, or guidelines, to… read more
Top 5 Best Responses For When A Girl Says “I Love You”
As it goes in a playboy’s life, he will experience at least once or twice, at the minimum, the girl who falls in love with him. If girls never fall… read more
Fuck Excuses, Get Laid
Excuses. What a shitty word that is. I despise it. It is the enemy of our dreams, our goals and the poison of our ambition. Excuses have set me back and… read more
5 Reasons Fat Girls Don’t Deserve Love
I interrupt my normal scheduled program of insightful game techniques and tips on how to pick up hot thin sluts and keepers, to bring you the fat -er I mean… read more
8 Signs She’s A Keeper
Despite my articles aimed around sluts and how to deal and pull them, I also am aware that there are some girls (a very small percentage) worth keeping around. I’m not… read more
Does Bottle Service Get You Laid?
The number one question I always get as a VIP Host is, “Can you bring me girls if I get bottle service?” And my answer is always “Yes” with a… read more
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