Posts by

Christopher Leonid
New Star Wars Film “Solo” Is A Big Improvement From The Previous Grrl Power Edition
Lucasfilms seems to have learned a lesson from the power of Return of Kings’ $4 million boycott. Rising from the ashes of feminist self-immolation, Solo is a man’s film which takes… read more
English Actor Who Bent Over Backwards For The #MeToo Movement Gets Cucked By His Wife
Colin Firth, a stalwart of the #Metoo movement, has just been hung from his own gallows. His wife is revealed to have had an affair with the man who… wait… read more
The Mainstream Embrace Of #MeToo Puts Us One Step Closer Towards The Enslavement Of Men
The progenitors of the #MeToo meme have been elevated to that dubious plinth of social endorsement, the cover of Time magazine. #Iwouldnt These women did not “launch a movement.” However, the current… read more
How The Sexual Inquisition Against Men Started
The British press have raised a slughorne to the manosphere: Why do so many false rape accusations come to court? A proper explanation requires us to butcher the most sacred… read more
Why Western Governments Promote Women’s Liberation
To broach a delicate subject, I’d like you to cover the girl below with your hand and ask yourself which of these boys is the dominant male? This photo was… read more
What To Do When The Enemy Uses Human Shields
The collapse of the sexual revolution is giving rise to an abandonment pandemic among post twenty-something women. Nature abhors a vacuum, so the ecological force of the missing husband and empty crib manifests in political efforts to… read more
White British Lord Sentenced To 3 Months In Prison For Mocking Colored Guyanese Woman
The West has reached a stage in its decline at which private individuals are able to criminalize other private individuals by taking offence at them. The obvious problem with this… read more
Do Not Follow In The Footsteps Of Norway’s Crown Prince By Marrying A Single Mom
If proof were ever needed that marrying a commoner with a ‘colourful past’ is an extremely dangerous undertaking, look no further than the antics of the Norwegian royal family on… read more
The Problem Of False Rape Accusations Is Not Going Away
Once again, a young man with perfect credentials for opportunistic women stands accused of rape. Urbane, expensively educated, and probably a little too trusting of the world beyond the milieu of… read more
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