Posts by

Corey Savage
Can Men Be Masculine Without Being Warriors?
As our society rots in peace along with the materialism and hedonism that comes with it, it is becoming clear that the only way to bring back true masculinity is… read more
8 Cultural Practices That Men Must Restore
With our society turning men into domesticated economic units, and with new technological gadgets turning us more and more into mere subjects who respond to machines rather than control them,… read more
6 Ways To Free Yourself From A Cycle Of Weakness
With our society doing everything it can to keep men down and prevent us from reaching our full potentials, it has become more imperative than ever to learn how to overcome… read more
10 Facts Regarding The US Strike On Syria
With the US strike against Syrian airbase last week, there are endless speculations on what’s happening and what more is to come in the near future. At the moment, the… read more
Are Globalism And Progressivism Inevitable?
As our world is becoming increasingly polarized between the forces of globalism and progressivism on one side and those who oppose it for whatever reasons on the other, it is… read more
7 Ways To Optimize Your Energy To Attract Other People
Whether you are trying to pick up women, networking for business, taking upon the role of a leader, or simply want to improve your overall social connections and life itself,… read more
20 Reasons Why Modern Women Are So Unstable And Miserable
By all measures that feminists like to tout, Western women today have more rights, more freedom, more choices, and more privilege than any other time in human history. Considering how… read more
An Introduction To The Greatest Masculine Epic Ever Written
The Romance Of Three Kingdoms is a historical novel written in the 14th century by Luo Guanzhong that chronicles the fall of Han dynasty and the rise of three kingdoms… read more
10 Methods You Can Use To Overcome Insomnia
I’ve suffered from insomnia due to various reasons ever since I was a boy. It was especially tough to go through the day during my high school and university days… read more
8 Common Misconceptions About Anarchism
Few weeks ago, I published an article calling for the political independence of America and I was pleased to see that many people were open to the idea, so I… read more
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