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Corey Savage
7 Essential Qualities For Masculine Friendship
Of all human relationships, I would argue that male bonding is the most important of them all (yes, above sex relations and family) that defines a man’s identity. Every successful… read more
8 Reasons Why The Leftists Win
In my last article, I went over reasons why leftists are losers as people. Today, I want to go over how they’ve been managing to win in spite of their… read more
12 Reasons Why Liberals And Progressives Will Always Be Losers
The 21st century leftists have proven themselves to be utterly ignorant and incapable time and time again. And I believe there are specific reasons for this that has to do… read more
8 Ways To Forge Strength Through Challenges
We, modern men, need to constantly improve ourselves in a hostile world like ours that tries to debase us. While the lesser “men” embrace weakness and degeneracy, we must embrace… read more
6 Reasons Why You’re Not Happy
Happiness: it’s what we all want as human beings no matter the differences in where we seek them. We are motivated to do things to be happy and we avoid… read more
How The Elites Are Using “Divide And Rule” To Control Us
It wasn’t long ago that the Left represented the anti-establishment wing in politics. They used to fight against globalism (remember the anti-globalization movement?) even if their motives were different from those… read more
Women Who Refuse To Call Themselves Feminists Are Still Feminists
There are words floating around that feminism is losing because fewer and fewer women are identifying themselves one. It is supposed to be a sign of victory that women are… read more
7 Ways The Collapse May Unfold
Collapse is one of those things no one wants to think about because it’s both depressing and seemingly distant in the fantasy future. But given the events we’ve witnessed around… read more
13 Signs That A Woman Is Toxic
As feminism-infused women lay waste to modern civilization by destroying men and families, it is becoming more important than ever for the awakened men to filter out these toxic women… read more
9 Languages Men Should Consider Learning
Knowing how to speak a foreign language or two is becoming increasingly important and beneficial these days. Whether you want to do some extensive travels, look for new opportunities, meet… read more
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