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Corey Savage
15 Ways Masculine Schools Can Turn Boys Into Men
Let’s face it, the education system today is a total disgrace. The boys who are forced into schools are socialized to behave like girls, their imagination and dreams are crushed,… read more
8 Factors That Are Destroying Healthy Relationships Between Men And Women
Most men, even if they’re still swimming in ocean of blue pills, have some awareness that something has gone awry with the relationship between men and women. Statistics prove this… read more
4 Reasons Why Collapse Will Be The Best Thing To Happen For Men
Quite frankly, all this talk of society’s decline and how we should prevent its course towards self-destruction bores me. It is true that the economic situation around the world is… read more
11 Ways To Master Your Anger
Couple of weeks ago I published an article on types of things that men get angry about but shouldn’t. But since I haven’t offered a way to deal with anger… read more
An Open Letter To The Men Of MGTOW
First, let me start off by saying that I’m not a PUA who’s trying to sell products, I wasn’t commissioned to write this specific piece, and I’m also not a… read more
14 Stupid Things To Stop Being Angry About
Anger had always been an issue for me. It’s actually embarrassing to remember all the times I flared up over insignificant matters and worthless individuals. My past experience, however, did… read more
7 Reasons Western Women Can Empower Themselves By Covering Their Faces With Veils
We all know how bad Western women have it today with daily misogyny and sexism. I therefore propose a solution that will satisfy all parties while liberating women once for… read more
6 Steps To Becoming A Good Male Feminist
So, you think white-knighting part-time isn’t enough and you want to be a full-time male feminist fighting for “equality”? Here is the only guide you’ll ever need to get started… read more
6 Reasons To Never Be Friends With Girls
For about a century or more, a systematic androgynization has been taking place in our societies. And one of the major consequences of this transformation is the emergence of friendship… read more
4 Reasons Why Assad Must Win The Syrian War
Besides the US election, this year’s most important event that will change the course of world history is the Syrian war. As of now, the Syrian Arab Army, or SAA,… read more
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