Posts by

Corey Savage
20 Degenerate “Cultures” That Have Formed The Dystopia We’re Living In
Welcome to the depraved new world. Forget the books and movies, because you’re already living in a dystopia. Take a moment to familiarize yourself with the following progressive cultures of… read more
13 Unorthodox Ways To Completely Change Your Life
Do you feel stuck? Does life seem stale and boring? Do you still get that looming sense of nihilism despite the fact that you’ve already gotten everything you wanted in… read more
10 Life Lessons That Should Be Taught To All Teenage Males
My youth had been a disaster. I practically had no friends, people treated me like shit (and I let them), I never met a girl, I didn’t do any exercise… read more
Why Feminism Is A Terrorist Movement
There exists a noxious ideology with fanatical followers who use tactics of intimidation, manipulation, and outright violence to attack and suppress both men and women to further their quest for… read more
8 Ways Women Destroy Themselves (And Everyone Else) By Sleeping Around
Many women are woefully unhappy in spite of living under the most privileged conditions ever afforded by civilization. No matter how much they receive and how much they indulge, nothing… read more
20 Signs You’re A Slave To Modern Technology
Do you ever stop and wonder whether you’re being controlled by a force beyond yourself? Does the world ever feel empty, unreal, and mad all at the same time? Maybe… read more
The 7 Deadly Sins Of Manhood
There have been endless debates about what it means to be a man, and while we may never reach a consensus, I believe that we can start with a process… read more
6 Reasons To Boycott Hollywood Forever
I used to love films. While other guys my age watched them for mindless fun, I viewed them as works of art that required scrutiny and attention to details for… read more
7 Ways The Realities Of Modern Culture Are Destroying Men
Any man who has taken the red pill is acutely aware of the reality of what modern dating and society holds for him. But he, along with many others who… read more
16 Ways To Save More Money
The economy is a mess and many young people are struggling more than they would like to admit. It is during times like this that men are offered an opportunity… read more
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