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How To Make Women Equal To Men
We live in a society where human interaction takes a back seat to performance and results. What’s more, with globalization, competition is at an all-time high. Therefore femininity and its… read more
Open Letter To Beyoncé To Quit The Feminist Charade
Dear Beyoncé, In the past few years, feminists have been following you and analyzing your every action like paparazzi. When you dance in a sexual manner and dress accordingly, they… read more
The One Campaign That Will End Obesity Once And For All
There is no denying that western people are inflating. In North America, over 50% of the population is overweight, which means that their body mass is such that it might… read more
Western Parents Are Raising Boys To Be Failures In Life
During the past 40 years, raising children has dramatically changed. Girls are told to play with action figures and boys are encouraged to brush Barbies. Boys will hear “express your… read more
How To Deal With A Bitch
Encountering an untamed bitch can be a devastating experience for those who are unaccustomed to indecency. Even many a veteran has been fooled by the deceptive nature of a vicious… read more
How One Man Faced All His Fears And Demons
Little known in North America, Geoff Thompson is a man of many talents recognized for his street fighting credentials and self-defense advises among the most influential martial artists in the… read more
If Women Were Oppressed, Men Suffered Right Alongside Them
Anytime you start arguing with a woman about women’s rights, the argument will often stall with the phrase “but we have been oppressed for so long so we deserve more… read more
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