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Stepping away for a bit.
I’ll be turning on moderation around 9:00 PM this evening and won’t be turning it off until Sunday evening or Monday. I’ll probably do the same for the latter part… read more
Tragedy of the feminist commons.
Dalrock’s Law of Feminism: Feminism is the assertion that men are evil and naturally want to harm women, followed by pleas to men to solve all of women’s problems. Reader… read more
It was time to settle for a boring loyal dude.
Filed under the category of Losing control of the narrative, I bring you Why It’s OK To Settle In Romantic Relationships – Refinery29 When I met my now soon-to-be fiancé,… read more
Not that there’s anything wrong with that
To see where where the complementarian argument of Not heterosexuality but holiness is headed, see the 2015 article at The Gospel Coalition (TGC) titled Godliness Is Not Heterosexuality. In the article… read more
Not heterosexuality but holiness
As I’ve outlined my series on Loud and Proud Complementarians there is a striking connection between the complementarian movement and activism for conservative churches to accept homosexuality. In a nutshell,… read more
Christian hospitality requires accommodating gay sex.
Hospitality is the buzzword complementarians use to normalize homosexuality and demand that Christian parents provide gays with special access to our children. I’ve previously shared where Rosaria Butterfield and Pastor… read more
What if we acknowledged repentance and respected Christian men who married single mothers?
Commenter Bee proposed that Christians should encourage single mothers to adopt their children out at birth, instead of shaming Christian men for having a “vain expectation of marrying a childless virgin”:… read more
No respect for men who marry single mothers.
Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary has a 2016 article by Sam Parkison excoriating Christian men for not marrying single mothers. Parkison calls Christian men’s preferences in this regard vanity, and repeats… read more
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