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Warhorn’s projection
As Larry Kummer has noted, the Warhorn podcast is a blatant example of projection. Note that after I called Nathan out for misrepresenting our agreement, Nathan has now added part… read more
Transcripts of Warhorn podcast.
A couple of other bloggers were kind enough to put together transcripts of the Warhorn podcast for those who don’t want to listen to the silliness but want to understand… read more
He lived it.
3 Older women likewise are to be reverent in behavior, not slanderers or slaves to much wine. They are to teach what is good, 4 and so train the young… read more
Was chivalry the origin of Christian manhood?
In Why Chivalry Is the Catholic Solution to Toxic Masculinity John Horvat II teaches us that Christian manhood wasn’t invented until the Middle Ages. This would mean that for roughly… read more
A few more Warhorn notes.
I see that I missed a snarky tweet from Warhorn the other day: Dalrock postures and bristles before even listening to our podcast. — Warhorn Media 📯 (@warhornmedia) February… read more
Why Warhorn Media’s duplicity matters.
Larry Kummer asked me a question in an email exchange that I want to discuss as a stand alone post: Reading your last post, I don’t understand your objection. They… read more
Warhorn claims we never set out for a back and forth exchange via email.
Nathan Alberson of Warhorn Media has made some surprising claims in the discussion of his podcast. When I responded to his description of the podcast with disappointment that he had… read more
Warhorn responds.
Note: For context regarding the Warhorn interview see this post. You can also see the whole series. Nathan sent me a note this morning letting me know the podcast response is up. The… read more
A change of focus?
After five movies in a row denigrating husbands and fathers*, it looks like the upcoming Kendrick brother’s movie might have a different focus. It is still in post production but… read more
A real life example of the power of a Christian wife.
Following up from my post two weeks ago on the power of Christian women, here is an example from commenter Carlotta. Carlotta shared this story back in March of 2016:… read more
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