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Reconciling old and new conservative views.
Stephen Green has a post up at Instapundit on the US Submarine force’s failure to meet the needs of women. Not all women who want to serve on submarines are… read more
Back in a few weeks.
I’ll be turning on moderation later in the day, and probably won’t be back until around Nov 13th. Edit 10-26 6:30 PM: Moderation is now on. read more
Chivalry is the word that expresses that ideal.
One of the frequent criticisms I’ve received with my writing on chivalry is that I’m using the term incorrectly. The argument is that chivalry is merely a code of martial… read more
An earnest defense of John MacArthur’s chivalry.
French poets, in the eleventh century, discovered or invented, or were the first to express, that romantic species of passion which English poets were still writing about in the nineteenth…. read more
Solomon as Lancelot: Song of Solomon viewed through the lens of chivalry/courtly love.
I stumbled upon a tragically funny post that contorts Song of Solomon into the form of the religion created to mock Christianity, courtly love (what we call chivalry). The post… read more
The gospel of the carousel.
Scott from Treasure State Psychological Services was kind enough to send me a quote that is making the rounds on Facebook: Jesus didn’t die on the cross for you to… read more
Fruits of chivalry
Scott commented: Whether it’s dressing in a fairy tutu to go trick or treating with your daughter or playing football in pink, if you don’t want to participle it is… read more
Of course they aren’t changing girls to boys and boys to girls.
In the video “Has Swedish feminism gone too far?” a school administrator states: People think that we are going to change girls to boys, and boys to girls. But that… read more
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