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The right has capitulated in the culture wars.
Larry Kummer of Fabius Maximus has a new post up today about a transgender Miss Universe contestant. Click through to see the details, but I’ll share this bit of his… read more
Challenge not accepted.
A month ago in An invitation to Pastor Wilson’s defenders I challenged Wilson’s defenders to do any of the following: Point out any instances where I criticized Wilson without providing a… read more
Loud and proud complementarians: Tim and Kathy Keller.
I’ve been asked in the comments section of recent posts why I’m linking the gay Christian activist movement in the conservative church and complementarians. These would seem to be entirely… read more
The smirk is the defense.
Commenter Roger wrote: THOT has the connotation of a woman who appears to be a whore, but is not necessarily a whore. The phrase “over there” suggests that she is… read more
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