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Fortunately they had a strong woman to row them to safety.
In my last post I shared accounts from Lifeboat 8 on the Titanic demonstrating the chaos and loss of life the chivalrous WACF policy caused. Ida Strauss and her husband… read more
Killing her with chivalry.
Over at Instapundit there is an article/discussion offering chivalry as the antidote to feminist charges of toxic masculinity. Specifically, the article points to the men on the Titanic as the… read more
Chivalry and the kickass conservative gal.
While they may seem like an unlikely match at first, chivalry and the kickass conservative gal are a marriage made in modern conservative heaven. As commenter Mother_of_4_Original demonstrates in her response… read more
A picture of Southern Baptist marriage.
If you’ve ever wondered what a “complementarian” Southern Baptist marriage looks like, wonder no more. Behold, the Servant Leader: H/T Cane Caldo read more
Kickass single moms deserve Father’s Day gifts.
From 5 Father’s Day Gifts for the Kick-Ass Single Mom in Your Life (emphasis mine): Father’s Day is just around the corner, so the internet is rife with gift guides and ideas… read more
Father’s Day sermons are the symptom, not the disease.
Father’s Day is a day of tradition. In the secular world the tradition is to honor fathers on Father’s Day. In the modern Christian world, especially the conservative Christian world,… read more
Fathers are jokes.
Father’s Day is a difficult day for modern Christians. While modern Christians have contempt for fathers 365 days a year, this is the day that makes the contempt for fatherhood… read more
It would be unchivalrous to tell her no.
Pastor Tim Bayly shares a youtube video put out by the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA) in his post Try Saying “No.” I Dare You… Note that the woman speaking… read more
Go ahead; try to make this stuff up.
I dare you. From Profs say female STEM grades don’t reflect ‘perceived effort’: Based on surveys of 828 STEM students, the professors conclude that female students believe they work harder than… read more
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