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Jordan Peterson can’t handle the truth.
Jordan Peterson tries to morally condemn pickup artists without condemning fornication: Peterson ends up twisting himself in knots, so it is possible that he had something profound in mind but… read more
What is off about Patterson’s “two black eyes” story?
Swanny River asks: So if I am understanding you and Dalrock correctly, that third story, and Patterson, are complex because Patterson may be lying? That sounds like a leading question,… read more
Rules for dating the candidate’s daughter.
Kemp is running for Governor in Georgia, but I think the same message would go over well in Texas. H/T Cane Caldo read more
Shame on him who thinks evil of it.
The Daily Mail has a new article up naming and shaming a young man who is accused* of privately telling his (then) girlfriend the dress she bought was too slutty:… read more
She’s too traditional to marry her baby daddy.
From the Daily Mail: Mother reveals she REJECTED ‘thoughtless and lazy’ blackboard proposal I said I didn’t like the ring and it was obvious that it was completely mid judged with… read more
Not enough cash and prizes.
The Telegraph has an article up about the impact of reduced cash incentives for women to divorce: Fewer wives are being awarded income for life and they are increasingly having… read more
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