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Modern Christian teachers of the lesson in The Wedding of Sir Gawain.
In The Wedding of Sir Gawain we learn that what women want is sovereynté (control). If a husband loves his wife, he will grant her the sovereynté that she covets. As a… read more
Headship is unchivalrous.
Last week I shared the tale of Sir Gawain and the Green Knight. Today I’ll share the tale of The Wedding of Sir Gawain. I fear that fans of last… read more
The coward’s way out.
Kevin Williamson at National Review writes in Advice for Incels: In the 1960s and 1970s, there were some social disruptions touching marriage and family life. It was, they told us,… read more
The moral of Sir Gawain and the Green Knight
Tucson Traditionalist objects to me including the tale of Sir Gawain and the Green Knight with the tradition of courtly love: It’s a mistake to cite the case of Gawain… read more
Sir Gawain and the Green Knight
When I first started blogging one regular criticism I received from traditional conservatives (especially when writing about Game) was that I was killing chivalry. For the most part I disregarded… read more
He wipes his feet and eats what he is served.
Instapundit linked to a post by Dr. Helen titled How Have Men been Affected by Feminism? The stories ranged from an immigrant from India who felt that “feminism was a… read more
He’s a bully.
The British tabloids are out for blood after a video surfaced of an army bayonet instructor yelling at a female recruit. The headline in the Sun reads: Bully army corporal… read more
That’s gonna leave a mark on the narrative.
The concept of the cock carousel is entering the mainstream lexicon, complete with a beta chump at the end of the line to pick up the tab. From Tully, reviewed. at… read more
I propose a soon-to-be coveted moxie badge.
The Chicago Tribune/AP has a new article up titled: With girls joining the ranks, Boy Scouts plan a name change. Chief Scout Executive Mike Surbaugh explains that moving forward there… read more
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