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Blinded by chivalry.
Commenter 7817 asks: Dalrock, have you read Wilson’s post from last year where he says that one of the beautiful things the puritans did was to enshrine Chivalry in marriage?… read more
Patriarchal packs (part 1)?
Larry Kummer continues his analysis of the war between the sexes at Fabius Maximus in his most recent post Men standing together can end the gender wars. Radical feminists have… read more
Winning the arms race (made you look!)
In women’s online race to acquire beta orbiters and ensure that the maximum number of men know that their bodies are sexy, it is tough for a woman to stand… read more
An excellent piece at the Federalist.
Matthew Cochran at the Federalist kindly links to a recent post of mine in: If You Want Men In Your Church, Stop Treating Them With Contempt read more
Stepping away for a bit.
I’ll be turning on moderation in the morning, and will probably be away through the early part of next week. In the meantime, you may want to check out Wintry… read more
How to spot a faker.
In the introduction of Reforming Marriage Pastor Wilson explains why some men do everything right but their wives are still unhappy. The reason this happens is the man isn’t right… read more
Pastor Wilson will no doubt thank me.
Commenter katech0 writes: Anonymous Reader wrote:Fact: Wilson wrote that a wife’s happiness is the standard to judge a marriage. Full stop. That is what “If mama’s not happy….” means. Full… read more
The wages of miserliness.
Ross Douthat wrote an opinion piece for Easter in the New York Times titled: God and Men and Jordan Peterson. Douthat is concerned that young men are turning away from… read more
Wilson deflects.
In Dalrockian and Disoriented Pastor Doug Wilson responds to my recent posts If mama ain’t happy and She’s the boss, you’re a guest. Click through and read his full post,… read more
How to creep out your wife.
Sheila Gregoire at Authentic Manhood coaches frustrated Christian husbands on how to seduce their wives in In Search of the Secret Switch. To her credit, she admits upfront that she… read more
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