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Why Game is a threat to our values.
Chances are you’ve heard of a concept called “Game”, and if you are like most people you suspect this concept poses a dire threat to our most cherished values. These… read more
They built the airstrip, but no cargo appeared.
Elizabeth Holmes and Theranos are once again in the news*: Theranos CEO and former president charged with massive fraud The interesting thing is that while a settlement has been reached,… read more
A primer on men’s reactions to the gender war.
Larry Kummer of Fabius Maximus has a new post up titled: The Lone Wanderers’ solutions to dating and marriage. The bulk of the post is a cleaned up version of… read more
If you only knew Wilson like they know Wilson, you would know he does not mean what he writes.
Several readers objected to my recent post Harkening back to the golden age. As so often happens with Pastor Doug Wilson, the defense is not that what he wrote is correct, but… read more
Complementarian soul essence.
Some readers of my recent series on the book Every Man’s Marriage may feel that I’ve unfairly lumped Stephen Arterburn and Fred Stoeker in with complementarians. After all, their book… read more
Harkening back to the golden age.
Cane Caldo hilariously describes Pastor Doug Wilson’s new post Masculinity without Permission.* Even when he tries to avoid blaming men–for one post!–he has to caveat that he would really rather… read more
They had a good run.
Last week Tucker Carlson had Mark Steyn on for a segment about the trans boy* who won the Texas state championship for girls high school wrestling. In the discussion Steyn… read more
The thought of holding hands with him made her sick, but fortunately he convinced her to marry him.
In Chapter 20 of Every Man’s Marriage, Stephen Arterburn explains that when he was dating his wife Sandy she found the idea of holding his hand revolting: When Sandy and I were… read more
That the word of God be not blasphemed
As bad as Stephen Arterburn and Fred Stoeker come off in Every Man’s Marriage, I think Brenda Stoeker comes off the worst. None of this is intentional, as Stephen and… read more
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