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Feminism + Chivalry = Modern Conservative
David Marcus has a new post up at The Federalist demonstrating that modern conservativism is feminism with a chivalrous cherry on top. From We Must Still Keep Teaching Our Boys They… read more
God spoke to him about the holy threatpoint.
3 Likewise, wives, be subject to your own husbands, so that even if some do not obey the word, they may be won without a word by the conduct of… read more
Sisters aren’t about to do it for themselves.
As I’ve noted before, Feminism is the assertion that men are evil and naturally want to harm women, followed by pleas to men to solve all of women’s problems. 3x as many male… read more
Check out Fabius Maximus
Reader Nick Mgtow was kind enough to point to a recent article on Fabius Maximus that referenced ideas from this blog: Child support payments create the new American family The… read more
Self inflicted reframe.
BillyS noted in response to Leading *is* serving that Christ only washed his disciples’ feet once: …Jesus washed their feet once, not throughout His time on the earth! Cane Caldo… read more
Leading *is* serving.
In my last post I pointed out the pattern of complementarians defining headship as service in practice, and leadership in theory. Dr Raymond Force puts this into numbers as 99%… read more
99% servant, 1% leader.
In Exactly What Does it Mean for the Wife to Submit to Her Husband, pastor and Christian life coach Dr. Raymond Force explains that the reason women bristle at the New Testament… read more
Does God want us to complain?
anonymous_ng linked to a post by pastor and Christian life coach Dr. Raymond Force, titled Where Men Blow It. Force explains that Scripture teaches us that God doesn’t mind it… read more
Erasing “fathers” from Scripture.
When I looked up the quote of Malachi 4:5-6 for Turning the hearts of children from their fathers. I noticed that the NIV translation has replaced “fathers” with “parents”. 5… read more
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