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Incentives matter.
From the Daily Mail: ‘Child support is 18 years of easy money’: Women reveal the REAL reasons why they’ve lied about being on the Pill – and many DON’T regret what… read more
Headship makes all the difference.
Commenter James asks if there isn’t at least a kernel of truth to Stanton & Gilder’s view of men, women, and marriage, even if they have in the process mangled… read more
Stanton’s dilemma
Glenn Stanton closes his article Manhood is not natural* with an odd question: The question is, how can we recover manhood today? We must find the answer. For it is… read more
With friends like Gilder, married fathers don’t need enemies.
In response to my post Vagina worship, Neguy came to George Gilder’s defense: Men and Marriage is actually a re-released second edition of Gilder’s 1973 book Sexual Suicide, which was… read more
Waning pussy power.
Last January the symbol most closely associated with the Women’s March was a pink knit hat with ears, called the “pussy power hat”. The headline at Time’s Motto announced: Women… read more
Vagina worship.
Commenter Elisea observed the temptation women have to worship what they fantasize as the purifying power of their vaginas: This is the prototypical female story, stemming from the original Beauty… read more
How to guarantee satisfaction.
This was originally a comment I left at Rollo’s blog back in April of 2012. Shortly after that, Rollo and I both included it in separate posts. I’m reposting it… read more
Satisfaction guaranteed.
The Atlantic explains that Cat Person went viral because it connects with the current mood of women & feminism: Into this steps “Cat Person,” a New Yorker fiction story by… read more
Do it for the validation.
From the ironically titled site For your marriage, comes a pitch to use the annulment process to validate your decision to divorce even if you don’t plan on remarrying: I… read more
Sentence first; verdict afterwards.
SkylerWurden scoffed at my assertion that the 70 fold increase in RCC annulments in the US after the 1960s* represents a important shift in RCC thinking on the permanence of… read more
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