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Children understand.
Anonymous Reader notes that Let it go is well loved by modern Christians: I have not yet encountered a single churchgoing person in my social circle who has a problem… read more
It must be exhausting.
A few weeks back Vox Day quoted the lyrics of “Let It Go”, the hit song from the Disney movie Frozen. I hadn’t heard the song before but I knew… read more
Marriage strike paradox.
Commenter astrapto asks in response to Percentage of U.S. women never married, by age, 1980 & 2015 3. Instead of showing men on a marriage “strike”, it is clear that there… read more
More bad news for marriage is baked in.
Back in September W. Bradford Wilcox and Wendy Wang published an American Enterprise Institute report titled The Marriage Divide: How and Why Working-Class Families Are More Fragile Today. I’ve written… read more
Percentage of U.S. women never married, by age, 1980 & 2015
Novaseeker found an excellent chart over at Reddit. It isn’t my chart to share, so I won’t publish it here. However, you can see it at the link. Some quick… read more
A tough spot for conservatives.
DC McAllister at PJ Media wrote a post arguing that Special K’s marketing campaign encouraging girls to play football is hurting women. Her first argument is that men, and young… read more
Why Dave is sexy (language warning).
Bustle has an article by Emma Lord about a Reddit post making the rounds: “Dave The Period Fairy” Has Become A Viral Sensation After A Woman Shared A Nightmare Hiking… read more
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