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Gone Fishin’
I’ll be taking a blogging break over the next few days. I’ll turn moderation on in a bit and will take it back off on Monday. Oct 23: I’m back…. read more
He had to check his theology with the boss.
I came across a youtube video by Pastor Gabriel Hughes that exemplifies the complementarian position. There are two competing messages in the video below: We believe in solid Bible based theology,… read more
It could be no other way.
Sam Adams has a commercial with beer drinkers training for a contest to see who can hold a stein full of beer at arm’s length the longest. Beer commercials have… read more
Gotta ask the boss, Christian edition.
In the discussion of Gotta ask the boss, commenter AnonS described a man up group he found via his local mega church: Local mega church had a small group listing… read more
Only the foolish tear it down.
Heidi Stone has decided to build up her own home, instead of tearing it down*: Simply? It makes sense to just stay married. Especially for us, ladies. Especially for us…. read more
She made it sound ugly.
From the NY Post, Teacher allegedly called out cheerleaders who ‘showed a lot of vagina’ Eubanks, 59, a city teacher for two decades and former educator with the New York… read more
Gotta ask the boss.
As for my people, children are their oppressors, and women rule over them. O my people, they which lead thee cause thee to err, and destroy the way of thy… read more
They’re back in your 20s where you left them.
Margaret Wente at the Globe and Mail* asks where all the good men have gone. Wente comes to the conclusion that women need a sex cartel: …it’s up to us… read more
Helping victims stand against their abuser.
We’ve all seen the telltale signs: The cowed look. The downtrodden posture. The never ending series of excuses: He isn’t usually like that. You don’t know the real man. He… read more
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