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Something wrong with the sluice box?
Strip mining for men. From our friends at the Daily Mail*: Too picky or just unlucky? Woman who rates every man she meets on a SPREADSHEET says she’s been on… read more
Wendy Griffith’s secular doppelganger.
From the Daily Mail: Why I’m proud to have frozen my eggs at 38: Top scientist urges women in their 30s to follow her lead as she delays motherhood to… read more
Why women lose the dating game.
Spike linked in the comments to a podcast of Independent Man chatting with Bettina Arndt: Audio issues and accents aside, this is an interesting conversation. Arndt is a dating coach… read more
Still going.
Just shy of a month after I posted Is marriage the cause of sexual immorality?, I see that Artisanal Toad has now responded with Dishonest Dalrock Thinks He Won: Rather… read more
Toxic masculinity and male privilege.
Lew Rockwell describes the toxic masculinity on display in the aftermath of Hurricane Harvey (H/T MKT). USA Today offered a picture of male privilege in this article. read more
God bless the Cajun Navy.
I hadn’t heard of this group until yesterday, but I see that some of our neighbors from Louisiana are busy helping my neighbors to the South in Houston. May God… read more
Sounds promising.
Via Dr. Helen at Instapundit: IN THE MAIL: From Shawn T. Smith, The Tactical Guide to Women: How Men Can Manage Risk in Dating and Marriage. I was interviewed for… read more
Cheapening seduction.
The Angry Therapist wants kids these days to get off his lawn*, and bang hos the right way. When you bang a ho, treat her like a lady: When I… read more
Basic tags for wordpress comments.
This question of how to format comments comes up periodically, and it is difficult to respond to in the comments section because if you don’t escape the tags wordpress just… read more
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