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Righteous prostitutes, spreading their legs free of sin.
We are at over 750 comments in the discussion of Is marriage the cause of sexual immorality? and I assume that most readers (like myself), have not carefully read all… read more
Cocky funny fail.
It is all in the execution. I see that Netflix has this movie available for streaming (in the US at least). read more
Looking for more LawDog?
If so, Vox has you covered with a teaser and a link to LawDog’s new book: The following is an excerpt from one of the many hilarious stories in LawDog’s… read more
Is marriage the cause of sexual immorality?
There is a recurring argument in the comment threads which claims that some forms of extramarital sex are not prohibited. The argument is that fornication isn’t a biblical concept, and… read more
Dispatch from the friend zone.
MSNBC host Joe Scarborough has been getting mocked for a series of tweets criticizing millennials: Our smartphone culture impacts young men in the most profound way. It is often younger… read more
There was no sobbing or squealing, and Merlin was magnificent.
Following my original post on Dunkirk, I have now seen the movie (twice). I am pleased to report that not only was there no sobbing in the theater, but there… read more
Moving beyond the nuclear family.
On Wednesday Pastor John Piper published a response to a single mother named Anna who asked if she had a biblical obligation to marry. My question for you is one… read more
Wife beaters and the prairie muffins who love them.
Pastor Wilson has a response of sorts up to some of my recent posts. In the meantime, my original 21 theses had apparently been responded to here, which I just now… read more
Does this mean there wasn’t any sobbing?
My wife found a hilarious review of Dunkirk by a feminist named Mehera Bonner at Marie Claire: I Think ‘Dunkirk’ Was Mediocre at Best, and It’s Not Because I’m Some… read more
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