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Rollo Tomassi’s new book is now available.
Rollo reached out to me late last week to let me know his latest book The Rational Male – Positive Masculinity is now available. I picked up a copy on Kindle… read more
Two additions to the men’s sphere lexicon.
Cane Caldo coined a hilarious term in his comment on Submission with a twist, and denying rebellion. A concubine is a committed slave who may not leave without her master’s… read more
C.S. Lewis on the erotic necessity of submission.
In response to my last post reader Gaius Marcius was kind enough to point out the C.S. Lewis quote on erotic necessity: Lewis’s phrase ‘erotic necessity’ is not from That… read more
Wilson, Lewis, and Pseudo-Christian Pedestalization Game
As I mentioned in my previous post, Pastor Doug Wilson’s reply to critics of his 21 Theses on Submission in Marriage is titled: And Now a Brief Word for the… read more
Wilson’s intellectual stink bomb.
Pastor Doug Wilson is clearly a smart and learned man. At times I greatly appreciate his insight, as with his explanation of Luke 22:35–38. But at other times Wilson stumbles… read more
Submission with a twist, and denying rebellion.
Pastor Doug Wilson has a new post up titled 21 Theses on Submission in Marriage (HT Hmm). Taken individually, most of the theses are good, and parts of the post… read more
Spotting the presence punisher in the wild.
Reader getalonghome asks regarding women who punish with their presence: “Yet the concept is so illogical and foreign to men’s thinking that few men will recognize it.” I don’t recognize… read more
The Other McCain nailed it (yet again).
In my previous post I quoted Jezebel Managing Editor Joanna Rothkopf. From her Bio at Bustle, she is a walking, breathing, men’s sphere cliché: Joanna is a New York-based writer… read more
Smartphones ruin everything.
The other day a woman mentioned her frustration with smartphones to my wife. The woman’s complaint was that her husband would play or read on his smartphone while she browses… read more
Bombing Damage Assessment
Many thanks to all who joined in Monday to make the book bombing run a huge success. At the link above Vox Day offers an excerpt from the book, titled:… read more
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