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Bespoke Epistles.
In Straining out gnats I noted that the CBMW’s argument for reinterpreting 1 Tim 2:12 is so weak, even people who prefer their interpretation avoid trying to defend their argument. … read more
Man up and share your feelings.
I mentioned UNCOMMEN in Hair Shirts and Chest Thumping last week. One of their recent blog posts is Her Needs Above Yours, which claims that God orders husbands to follow… read more
Straining out gnats.
But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence. –1 Tim 2:12, KJV While researching for yesterday’s post I… read more
It is all about clarity.
Recently The Atlantic ran an article crowing about the feminist victory at the Southern Baptist Convention. Southern Baptists Embrace Gender-Inclusive Language in the Bible*: Last fall, the publishing arm of… read more
The first commandment with a promise.
Honor your father and your mother, that your days may be long in the land that the LORD your God is giving you. –Exodus 20:12, ESV read more
Hair shirts and chest thumping.
Conservative Christians are terrified. They are terrified of offending women, especially women in feminist rebellion. This creates a problem, because conservative Christians still want to condemn the outcome of feminism. … read more
So common no one notices.
Several commenters have noted that their pastor doesn’t give anti-father sermons on Father’s Day*. I don’t doubt this, as the church I attend doesn’t do this either. But the anti-father… read more
Man up and honor your father.
This is the fourth post in a series on the program Honor Your Father Today. If you want to read the first three posts, you can do so here: A… read more
Ideas on how to honor your father on social media for Father’s Day.
Honor Your Father Today offers suggested social media posts to promote the campaign and honor fathers for Father’s Day. Here are the first 12 suggestions: Now is the time… Honor… read more
Don’t refer to God as the Father, call him a “Best Friend”.
In A radical Father’s Day proposal I introduced Honor Your Father Today, a group that is proposing that Christians honor their fathers on Father’s Day. Yet even though they propose… read more
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