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Real Men Step Up to Fifty Shades of Rationalization.
There is a blog companion to FamilyLife/Dennis Rainey’s Stepping Up® book and video program, and it has a three part series by Scott Williams on Fifty Shades of Grey (50SOG). With the… read more
Their husbands forced them to do it.
As I’ve been pointing out, the conservative Christian response to feminism has been to pretend that feminists aren’t really in the final mopping up stages in the culture war and… read more
The cost of going with the crowd.
You shall not spread a false report. You shall not join hands with a wicked man to be a malicious witness. 2 You shall not fall in with the many… read more
Rainey understands his target audience.
When Dennis Rainey wants men to watch his man up videos, he turns to the complementarian head of the household, the wife. It is true that unlike their rivals (egalitarians),… read more
Raising an army of LARPers.
Think of the movies we like to watch. We want the fight. We want our lives to matter. We want to lay it down. We love Saving Private Ryan, everybody… read more
The first commandment with a promise.
Honor your father and your mother, that your days may be long in the land that the LORD your God is giving you. –Exodus 20:12, ESV read more
Step up, so they don’t have to (part 2).
As I explained in part one, men stepping up is a well loved refrain with complementarians and other conservative Christians. It is a brilliantly deceptive term, because the objective is… read more
Reassurance to husbands, reassurance to wives.
Reader YS shared a video advertising the FamilyLife Weekend To Remember “marriage getaway”. The video starts with reassurance to husbands, who instinctively know what these kinds of events are like:… read more
Percent of births out of wedlock by age and race of of mother.
I’ve done a quick scan of the latest US data I could find on out of wedlock births, and some of the data is very interesting. The first thing that… read more
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