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The ugly feminist view of pregnancy: “Gestational work”
As I wrote in Feminists are ugly: The ugliness of the feminist mind-frame towards cooking, cleaning, and caring for others is so profound that it is difficult to process. These… read more
I’m with Wade Burleson on this one.
Egalitarian pastor Wade Burleson anticipates that the SBC will capitulate on the topic of women preaching: Within a decade or two, what I say the authoritative Scriptures teach about gender… read more
Hondo had game.
I’m sure I’m not the first in the sphere to note this, but I watched the old 1953 John Wayne movie on Amazon Prime the other day and was impressed… read more
Late stage complementarianism.
Commenter 7817 noted: TBayly on Twitter has begun posting #manup beatdowns on a daily basis. I pulled up Pastor Bayly’s twitter page to see what he was talking about, and… read more
Secular feminists are more honest than conservative Christians.
Lori Gottlieb writes a weekly series called Dear Therapist for The Atlantic. This week’s letter is from a single woman who is tired of her married friends coming to her… read more
She wasn’t God’s best.
Adam Piggott makes an astute observation about Wendy Griffith’s claim that God doesn’t want women to settle in Are you special enough for women like Wendy? …when it comes to selecting… read more
Worth the wait?
I see from a CBN youtube video titled Worth the wait from March 8, 2019 that Wendy Griffith is now married: CBN’s newly married Wendy Griffith and author of You… read more
Taking things too far.
What is so striking about the modern Christian rationalization of the feminist life script is how much further Christians take it than secular feminists. This seems to be an artifact… read more
For want of a lot of good employers.
Four weeks ago Anna Hitchings bravely told her story and the stories of women like her who are in their 30s and can’t find one good marriageable man in For… read more
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