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Damian Black
The 3 Most Powerful Weapons Of The Globalist Establishment
Baaa, baaa. King Shepherd, we’ve globally killed over 20 million men in our most successful slaughter ever! What should we do next? Excellent, this world war was better than the… read more
Why The 2007 Remake Of Beowulf Was A Powerful Slap To The Ideals Of Liberal Hollywood
In 2007, leftist Hollywood, through some miraculous oversight, released an epic fantasy film naturally presenting traditional gender dynamics and demonstrating the heroism, responsibility, and downfall of masculine men. More than half the film’s scenes… read more
Germany Takes First Step Towards Legalizing Rape Committed By Muslim Men
Recently, a German judge has acquitted a Turkish drug dealer, fully understanding that he forcibly and undeniably violated a woman for four hours to the point of incapacitation. The reason for lack… read more
The Story Of The Man Behind The Phrase “Pyrrhic Victory”
Most learned men know of the term “Pyrrhic victory”, an achievement against so brutal a force that the success both advances and ruins oneself. Derived from Pyrrhus of Epirus, the… read more
Mel Gibson’s Hacksaw Ridge Was The Most Masculine Film Of 2016
Directed by Mel Gibson, Hacksaw Ridge is an intense biographical war film authentically depicting the pacifist actions of WWII combat medic Desmond Doss, the first man to be awarded with… read more
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