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Damian Michael
Is It Time To Rebrand The Alt-Right?
In the life of a political or religious movement, there may arise certain events which make it wise for that movement to rebrand itself. And with the recent events that… read more
5 Demented “Phobias” That The Left Is Ready To Unleash
As every person on the right knows, the left loves to control language. Whether it is through so-called “hate speech” legislation or political correctness, the left strives to dictate what… read more
The Rules Of Engagement For Battling The Left
Ever since Laura Loomer rushed the stage of New York City’s rendition of Julius Caesar by the ‘Shakespeare in the Park’ theatre group, different factions of the political-right have been… read more
5 Initiation Rites To Help Turn Weak Boys Into Masculine Men
Within the manosphere, one of the best-known problems that confronts young men in the West today is a lack of genuine initiation rituals. In past times in the Western world,… read more
The Argument For Adopting Leftist Tactics To Defeat The Left
On Friday, the 16th of June 2017, in New York City, Laura Loomer of The Rebel Media raided the stage of the controversial quasi-Trump-killing ‘Shakespeare in the Park’ recreation of… read more
How To Deploy Your Folding Knife During A Life-Threatening Attack
Note: The following information is provided for your knowledge only. Although everyone has a right to self-defense, it is incumbent on you to know the self-defense laws in your area… read more
What Is Alt-Christianity?
On the 26th of May, Return of Kings published my article The 21 Theses of Alt-Christianity. In that article, I presented the case for an idea called Alt-Christianity, a new… read more
5 Ways The Left Lies To You
As nearly everyone who is red-pilled knows, SJWs, progressives, and leftists in general are all too often liars and twisters of the truth. Indeed, the Left not only thrives on… read more
The 21 Theses Of Alt Christianity
In recent years, the Alt-Right—along with the Alt-West, Alt-Lite, and the Hard Right—has come to the forefront of the political scene. This has been due in large part because right-leaning… read more
It’s Time You Get A Proper Folding Knife
Since the dawn of Man, our ancestors have used knives for a myriad of vital tasks, from hunting to self-defense. And today is no different. After all, manual cutting tasks… read more
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