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Damian Michael
The Myth That Jesus Christ Was Not Masculine
One of the travesties of modern feel-good Christianity—and a travesty which alienates a lot of non-Christian men—is the fact that Jesus Christ is routinely portrayed as an individual who is… read more
Feminism Is Still Here Because Men Are Allowing It To Survive
In our day and age, there exists one very important red-pill truth which most people sub-consciously accept but which is unmentionable in polite society: namely, that women, ultimately, are entirely… read more
Women Are Not Capable Of Objectively Arguing Their Support For Abortion
It has been sometimes said that men should not have a say concerning the issue of abortion given that they are not directly affected by it. Indeed, since men cannot… read more
The Traditional West Is Man’s Best Civilization
Today, in some corners of our modern society, denigrating and diminishing the glories of traditional Western civilization has almost become a cultural past-time. Indeed, in academia, the media, and the… read more
3 Ways To Find Out What Your True Passion Is
Motivational speakers and others like them often advise us to “follow our passion”, sometimes telling us to do so as a full-time vocation and sometimes just as a hobby. Indeed,… read more
4 Unorthodox Workouts You Need to Try
If you are a gym-rat, then there is no doubt that you have spent a great deal of time trying different workouts and different lifting routines. And after a good… read more
The Three Principles Of Great Leadership
Every man is a leader. Whether he is simply leading his own children or whether he is leading a multinational corporation, at some point in his life, every man will… read more
Women Skipping Work For A Day Taught Everyone How Important Men Are
On the 8th of March, 2017, a large number of Western women played hookie; indeed, in connection with the protests that were taken by women against President Donald Trump in… read more
How To Use The “Agree And Amplify” Tactic To Combat Degenerate Leftists
Let’s be honest: it is a fact that Western leftists, progressives, and SJWs harbor a particular hatred towards orthodox Christian believers as well as other traditionalists. Furthermore, such leftists consider… read more
How To Maim An Attacker When Your Life Is On The Line
Just as every man needs to know how to fight, every man needs to know how to fight as if his life depended on it, for one day, it just… read more
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