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10 Mistakes I’ve Made In My 20s
Our 20s are a crucial point in our lives. We’re physically in our peak shape. We’re able to experiment with countless options in terms of our careers. And we tend to… read more
5 Reasons Men Should Limit Their Cardio
When it comes to exercise, almost everything can be grouped into two categories: aerobic and anaerobic exercise. Aerobic exercise, or cardio, primarily targets strengthening your cardiorespiratory system—your lungs and your heart. Anaerobic exercise,… read more
5 Crucial Beliefs Every Man Should Internalize
Beliefs are extremely powerful. You don’t have to look any further than the existence of placebo effects to recognize this fact. Placebo treatments that literally offer zero benefits to patients… read more
5 First Date Tips To Help Seal The Deal
The motherfucking first date. This is where it all goes down. You’ve already met the girl – whether through approaching her, online dating, or otherwise – and successfully scheduled a… read more
The Key To Facing Your Fears Confidently
In life there are situations that cause you to “flinch.” Someone throws a punch at you. A girl “shit-tests” you. Your boss disrespects you in front of your team. These… read more
6 Tips To Build More Muscle During Your Workouts
There’s a lot of factors that go into your progress at the gym. When it comes to getting stronger, everything from you diet to your routine to your sleeping habits… read more
5 Invaluable Red Pill Lessons I’ve Learned
My introduction to the “manosphere” and the various “red pill” principles was probably quite similar to yours. I was frustrated with the lack of sex and women in my life… read more
Why Money And Sex Will Never Make You Happy
What motivates you? Why do you go to work every day? Why do you go to school? Why do you go to the gym? Why do you go out at… read more
6 Common Fitness Mistakes Men Make
Most people who regularly go to the gym don’t make quality progress. They don’t burn much fat. They barely build any muscle. And they lift the same amount of weight… read more
How Being Fit Affects Your Social Value
The number one reason guys work out is to get laid. There—I said it. Even if it’s not what fuels you to hit the gym every day, don’t lie—it’s almost definitely… read more
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