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David G. Brown
Female Police Officers In Belgium Are Easily Disarmed And Murdered By Islamic Fanatic
Two very physically unimposing female police officers have been murdered in the Belgian city of Liege, killed by an Islamic extremist on temporary release from prison. This same man, Benjamin… read more
Social Justice Writer Angela Nagle Plagiarized Wikipedia To Attack The Manosphere
“Author” and attention-seeking SJW Angela Nagle has been caught plagiarizing Wikipedia and Rational Wiki in her book Kill All Normies, including stealing parts of Roosh’s Wikipedia page. Nagle’s rambling tome, which… read more
Average-Looking British Woman Made $7,000 Per Month As A Prostitute While Working For Senior Politician
The secretary of senior British politician Dominic Raab has been caught selling sex through a sugar daddy website. Although Raab serves as Housing Minister in Theresa May’s cabinet, he is… read more
Twitter Is Suspending People Who Talk About Game Of Thrones Actress’s False Rape Accusation
Twitter has suspended dozens, if not hundreds of its users’ accounts for mentioning a notorious false rape accuser. Most of these tweets were around two years old. Unlike her victim,… read more
Scottish Man Convicted Of “Hate Crime” For Teaching An Ugly Pug How To Do Nazi Salutes
A YouTuber and comedian who taught a pug to perform the Hitler salute to annoy his girlfriend has been convicted of a “hate crime” by a Scottish court. Count Dankula, real… read more
American Universities Attack Trump For Being A Dictator While Staying Silent About China’s Authoritarianism
Countless leftist universities, professors, lecturers, and students have attacked President Donald Trump for being a “dictator” purportedly endangering people or inflicting actual “harm” on them. Trump, an elected head of… read more
Martin Shkreli Got 7 Years’ Jail For Taking $7 Million, Elizabeth Holmes Will Get None For Swindling $700 Million
Fraudster and STEM “It Girl” Elizabeth Holmes has settled a lawsuit with the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) for a measly $500,000. This is despite the SEC stating that… read more
South African Parliament Votes To Take Land From White People Without Compensation
Members of the South African parliament have overwhelmingly voted to take land from white people—without any compensation. Best of all, they have produced virtually no plan as to how this… read more
Pregnant Women Who Drink, Smoke, Or Take Drugs Must Be Shunned
Although their pussy pass has eroded somewhat, pregnant women who abuse their children by drinking, smoking, and taking drugs are still not being shamed appropriately. They are repugnant individuals who… read more
4 Predictions For Women And The Dating Market In The Next 20 Years
You’ve read Bang four times and honed your game over some years. What’s next? Well, for a start, take note of the changing environment around you. And changing it is. Though… read more
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